We've had so much snow recently so we decided to get a little bit creative with it. We got a big bucket of snow from the garden and brought it inside. Arabella was excited just at the thought of this - snow, inside!! So you can imagine how thrilled she was when I said we were painting snow! WHAT? WE'RE PAINTING SNOW?! The opportunity to create a brand new piece of art on a completely different canvas was more than appealing. We transferred the snow into a large tray and got busy painting it with some DIY food colouring paints. The simplest of things to set up - food colouring from the cupboard and water from the tap. It was easy!
What you need:
Large bowl/tray
Little pots/bowls for paints
Food colouring
What I did:
I created 4 paints in separate bowls.
Put a few drops of food colouring in each bowl.
Mix water in with the food colouring.
Learning opportunities:
Creative development and exploration
Develops early mark making skills
Develops communication & Language - Discussing design and what is happening when painting the snow
Expressive Arts & Design - As the colours run into each other in the snow it allows children to explore colour mixing
Understanding the World - Observing and talking about changes in the state of snow and colours - Melting process - Cause & effect
Physical development - Develops fine motor skills - Using mark marking tools